Casone delle Sacche is located in Valle Millecampi in the municipality of Codevigo. The name seems to derive from the fact that this “casone” (called in dialect “Cason delle Sacche”) is built on an inlet that reaches the fields and represents a real…
in Valle Millecampi, located in Codevigo’s municipality, in Fogolana area, we found four recently-build casoni in every way similar to the tipical casoni of the Saccisica’s area. These buildings, called Casoni della Fogolana, consist of…
The pumping station of Fogolana, as the name says, is located in the Valle Millecampi halfway between the area of the Spiaggia della Boschettona and the Cason delle Sacche.
The cavane (cavàne) are shelters for boats tipical of Venice, its lagoon and all the navigable rivers. Maybe the word has the same origin of hut (capanna): in fact in the oldest pictures of the city, the cavane are depicted as shelter covered with…
Boschettona beach is located north-east the province of Padua, in municipality of Codevigo, inside Millecampi valley. Once this area was unhealthy and was formed because of the floods cause by the clash between the rivers flowing out in the lagoon,…
Millecampi valley (Valle Millecampi) belongs to the province of Padua and extends for 1608 hectars in Codevigo’s municipality. It borders west with Morosina and Ghebo Storto valley, east with Sette Morti and others valley. The valley is…